Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, I was going post about the weekend trip to Krakow, but people want to hear about school instead.

Monday was the first day of classes. I had Czech history. The professor is a very knowledgable guy, has his doctorate in post-communist studies. His grandfather opened the Jewish museum in Prague that Hitler decided he was going to use for his museum of an extinct people. We covered class materials, then took a trip to Vysehrad, the site of Prague's first castle, to learn the myths about the creation of Bohemia and Morovia and its early rulers.

Tuesday was Art and Architecture. Went on a walk of the city to see some cool old buildings, to study how construction of the buildings changed over time. Unfortunately, we won't be convering any of the engineering aspects of the buildings, which would be sweet.

Wednesday was Reading Prague and Politics. I decided to drop the reading class, it doesn't count for anything for me anyways, and if I keep it, I have 8 hours of class with one 15 min break. Which means, by the time the politics class is half over, I am not going to be able to pay attention, and since I need politics and it is a much more interesting class, that may be bad. Sorry to disappoint anyone.

Anyways, politics is a cool class. It is taught by a former ambassador of the Czech Republic to Italy, who is very knowledgable in world affairs. Seems to speak about 20 languages, too. He is a very nice guy who wants to encourage us to research topics of our choosing rather than a set topic, and encourages travel as the best way to learn. I guess those trips will be school related, so I can talk about them here when I go.

For anyone that would like to see the Poland pics, they'll be on Facebook. I'm just talking about school on this blog from now on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jeff,
I didn't realize you were just starting your classes. Sounds like you have some interesting ones (esp Politics). We miss you!