Well, it's 4:30 a.m., you're running around town from one bar to home (or perhaps to the next bar), where do you go for food? Wenceslas square, and the street vendors, for a fried cheese sandwich. I kid you not. The Czechs took mozarella sticks to a new level, made them into a flat patty, smoothered them in mayonase and put them in bun. And they are good. I may open a fried cheese sandwich stand on College Ave when I get back to Tech.
Anyhoo, computer took a crap on me again, it may not make it past Prague. Hopefully it makes it all the way through, or I'll be sad.
Class is going fine, I'm learning about as much as anyone is. Which isn't a while lot. I still can't pronounce the number four (Čtyři).
Everyone will be happy to know I finally sang karaoke, That Smell by Skynyrd. And, apparently I'm good. So maybe I'll go back this week, and do you Never Even Called Me By My Name :)
Friday night was interesting. We tried going out as a big group, and that lasted as long as the first tram stop, when half of us got left. So a few of us wandered around the city for a while, and eventually we all got to the same spot. I went to the first club I have ever been to, and had I had my camera, I could have gotten Schuette his pics. Actually the whole club was foreigners, getting drunk Brits and Irish together always turns out for a fun time. The Irish are a fun bunch, the Brits more so a bunch of rich boys acting like punks in large groups.
Saturday we tried the big group thing again, which is apparent that it isn't going to work. One minute 20 people in a room, the next there are three of us (none of which actually lived in the apartment), going where is everyone? I've made up my mind that from now on, I pick one person ou of the group, and whereever that person goes, I go.
Today I went to the Prague Castle, which is old and nice. It was the first sun we've had since pretty much I got here too, although, it is getting cold, finally down to freezing. Very nice place, guards got guns I have never seen before and that I want, the cathedral is amazing and the view of the city is outstanding.
Internet will be in my apartment in 6-7 days, according to the landlord, who is an awesome guy. He owns a wine bar downstairs, and invites us down for Czech wine often. Czech wine is pretty good, and very dry, and you all might get some when I come home. Went to pay the rent yesterday, and before we start doing anything, he pulls out a bottle of Czech pear liquor, and gives us a shot. Do the payment, adress concerns, etc, get one, and finish off with another shot. Very nice guy, despite not speaking English, very easy to get along with. But moral of the story is, when I don't have to go to a bar to get online (yeah, big problem, I know), I'll post more frequently
Anyhoo, thats all I think I got. Catch you all later, and keep the comments coming. Schuette, I'll work on the request, but it might be a few months before they start shedding the winter layer.
Dobrỳ Noc!
Jeff, enjoy viewing all the pictures (the cathedral look amazing!) and the commentary is interesting reading! Sounds like you are having a good time. I'd like to try some of the Czech wine - can I put in a request now?
You want red or white?
I'd be happy to try whatever you can bring! You'll need to get the fried cheese recipe too :)
Dont send it back in your suitcase like your trip from Iceland - remember what happened that time...
I want some wine too! I love it - remember Snowball last year? I miss you and love you! And I can't wait until you have internet in your apartment!!!
I'm with Sherry, whatever kind you can bring home would be great. We love viewing the pics and hearing about your journey.
Ok, well I'll have to have a wine and cheese party when I get home :)
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